Bart Baker’s ‘Anaconda’ Parody

In one day, Baker’s latest YouTube parody of Nicki Minaj’s “Anaconda” received one million views and the number is still rising. Articles—namely this one by Styleite author Hannah Ongley—have bashed Barker for being racist and sexist.

“Cool, a white dude making fun of women’s bodies? How fun!”

Watch the video below if you [… think] that being racist and sexist is way more clever than rapping about butts.

Ongley’s article mostly points out the lack of skill in Baker’s lyrics, but also brings up a really good point in defense of Nicki Minaj’s work.

…our favorite part is how the entire video is basically an ode to Sir Mix A Lot’s “Baby Got Back” when the two songs are about the exactly the same thing only one is told from a female point of view.

Hold up. Isn’t that amazing?! I love that quote! I never thought of Nicki’s video that way, but that is exactly what it is (yes, the double emphasis was necessary). And if you’ll follow me – that’s pretty much who Nicki Minaj is. She’s the female equivalent to all the male rappers out there, saying “Yes, I love ladies’ butts” but she also happens to have one.

Going over Baker’s lyrics, I’m not convinced that he had any racist intentions. He does, however, say that Nicki’s “super slutty act is wearing real thin”, she “acts like a whore”, and is “basically … a stripper that also knows how to rap” (x). And that’s where Baker went wrong.

Thanks for realizing Nicki’s talent, but this kind of shaming is completely uncalled for. As far as I’ve seen or heard, no one has any reason to believe Nicki is promiscuous or strips for money (though why it’s even Baker’s business, I’m unsure). Unfortunately, this kind of prejudice comes with the territory of being a sexually explicit female artist in a male dominated industry. Nicki Minaj is breaking down walls by showing women that they can have sex appeal and be a boss – this isn’t news to her or her fans.

Nicki Minaj at her concert: "I wanna say if you don't let these niggas treet you like garbage, I'm so proud of you!"

So, Bart Baker, you may not be racist, but you’re sure as hell close-minded. Thanks for perpetuating the notion that sexy woman can’t also be talented and smart.

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